beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-03-18
焱煌色彩是新材料研发、生产、销售的高新技术企业,通过光变粉、温变粉、变色龙、变色粉等新材料在印刷、塑料射出、涂料、染色等行业形成了完备的产品解决方案。热线:15880847419,业务涵盖福建厦门、漳州、泉州及福州等全国各地区,欢迎前来咨询。 today's total visitors 2025-03-15
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App应用程序,Application car keys lost 网络应用 2025-03-08 beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-03-08
东莞市坤翔颜料有限公司是一家珠光粉供应商,主要销售珠光颜料,荧光粉,夜光粉,特殊效果颜料,光学变色龙等产品.我司技术实力雄厚,生产交付能力强,质量可靠,价格合理,可承接大量批发,联系方式:13950100467 贸易批发 2025-03-07
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广州鑫铂颜料科技有限公司是国内领先的效果颜料珠光粉供应商之一,产品采用超白度、高纯度、高透明度的合成云母及板硝子玻璃晶片为基材,经高科技合成技术包覆金属氧化物而成,产品为变色龙效果珠光颜料、钻石珠光效果颜料、水晶珠光效果颜料、3D立体效果珠光颜料、火龙金效果颜料、高纯效果颜料、彩色铝颜料、包银效果颜料、云母粉、专业级珠光颜料:高分散系列、抗黄变系列、化妆品级系列、耐候级系列等。我们可以提供特殊效果颜料及个别所需的技术服务应用建议的全面选择。产品符合美国FDA、 carbon meter EU、BGVV等各领域的应用标准,广泛用于印刷油墨、纺织品印花、鞋材皮革、合成皮料、塑料、油漆涂料、化妆品及工艺品等领域。鑫铂科技让璀璨成为现实,为您产品添色彩。 网络应用 2025-02-16
baitao included beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-02-15
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海蓝星是一家专注于光变材料的服务商,产品涵盖光学变色颜料、光学变色油墨、光变膜等多个系列,是光学变色龙行业优质供应商,质量上称达到货币印制要求。 this content is the result of automatically crawling this website based on its origin and does not mean that this website agrees with the content or position of the website being displayed. 2025-02-02
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浙江雅仕寝品有限公司纺织网主要产品:全棉纱卡布厚坐垫系列,麂皮绒靠垫系列,绣花玻璃纱靠垫系列,变色龙圆形长抱枕系列,厚坐垫系列,麻布双层铜圈吊环窗帘,麻布双层铜圈吊环窗帘,全棉纱卡布海棉坐垫系列,全棉纱卡布海棉坐垫系列,麂皮绒拼布靠垫系列,麂皮绒长抱枕系列,麂皮绒靠垫系列,吊带绣花玻璃纱窗帘,海棉坐垫系列,变色龙长抱枕系列, beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-01-30
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yesterday's total visit beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-01-29
泉州晶彩新材料有限公司,成立于2017年,地位于福建省泉州市石狮市蚶江镇洪窟九龙山工业区1号,我司主要从事于反光刻字膜、七彩纹路刻字膜、变色龙刻字膜、夜光刻字膜等服装辅料生产、研发。现拥有成熟的技术研发团队、生产团队、销售团队,以专业的生产技术和卓越的服务品质,为国内外客户提供优质服务。 this content is the result of automatically crawling this website based on its origin and does not mean that this website agrees with the content or position of the website being displayed. 2025-01-29
custom furniture in jinan Bicilon,智能情景灯,智能灯,变色龙,变色灯 行业信息 2025-01-27
永兴隆颜料化工:专注各种化学产品。溶剂染料、有机颜料、珠光颜料、荧光增白剂、荧光颜料、夜光粉、钛白粉、变色龙颜料、温变颜料.光变颜料.防伪变颜料、去味剂.发泡剂.膨胀剂.光亮剂、增亮剂、阻燃剂.碳黑、扩散粉、扩散油、扩散剂、塑料耐黄剂.抗氧剂、紫外线吸收剂、抗静电剂、光扩散剂、扩散油、抗静电剂、增韧剂、群青颜料、黑色母、彩色母、氧化铁、香精、各种彩色金属片、雷色片.钻石水晶珠光.七彩片.彩色银点.潘通色卡、打粉机、对色灯箱.各种塑料配色.等各种系列化学产品. beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-01-19
荣盛率先推出同时检测1+4型的戊型肝炎病毒IgM popularity ranking IgG抗体检测试剂盒;滴瓶加液、拥有自动“变色龙”系统的丙型肝炎病毒核心抗原检测试剂盒;类风湿关节炎系列产品等 beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-01-18
东莞市成氏化工有限公司专业生产销售变色龙珠光粉,光学变色颜料,默克珠光粉,进口珠光粉,七彩镭射粉,彩虹镭射浆,爱卡铝银粉,爱卡铜金粉,爱卡铝银浆 beijing kehai longhua industrial automation instrument co., ltd. has more than a dozen categories and more than 300 varieties, including steel thermometer series, steel thermometer series, oxygen and carbon calibration series, infrared thermometer series, thermal metal detector series, gas calorific value meter series, various large screen display series, general digital display control instrument series, as well as fast micro temperature measuring double head, oxygen and carbon calibration probe, sampler series, etc. 2025-01-16
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